Series: "Fragile Violence"
Drawings, pencil in chronological order
each 62,5 x 77,5 cm
2023 - dato
Drawing and poem on wood board on stone-bed
"Mein Hund Fridolin"
Mixed Media, installed
135 x 110 x 35 (+ chain) cm
"Eigensinn / Rollercoaster"
Drawing, pencil
140 x 100 cm
No Title
Installation, Light and Oilpainting
Collages 1 - 7 of the series:
Digital Collage
"Fade away"(l), "Selbstportrait" (r)
Oilpaintings of negative series
100 x 70 cm, 45 x 65 cm
Keanu Sapadi approaches contemporary art in a traditional matter. His work is built around traditional imagery. With conceptualized performance lecture (and currently installation) he builds a bridge to the knowledge of transforming traditional obstacles into stepping stones for a healthy progress in the accelerated society.
Conceptual Depth is just the cherry on top. - But you need to be able to bake a cake and not sell people "a cherry that could have been on top of a cake", which is a very finearts thing to do, if you ask me.
This series, "Fragile Violence" is used to describe the transformative process of anger and their stages. However they exist individually.
This visual confrontation is used to overpower the pace of the accelerated zeitgeist. The artist claims: "by taking time to grasp the image, we slow down. A playful feeling of visual exploration and discovery will emerge. That may or may not leave a sense of accomplished or tranquility, when turning away."
I don't want to make people feel that they need explanation or even worse that i represent an idealogy. I want to remind of the joy of exploration and discovery. And i believe everyone has this ability, because we become aware of our surroundings, before we become aware of ourselves.
But what is left ?
By acknowledgment, tranquility, compassion and clarity are found naturally.
Intuitive wild expression is mixed with disciplined devotion.
Keanu Sapadi likes to explore the individual aesthetic of a work, childishly baiting with an easy to read motive. - If a work needs to be explained, it is not good. A good work provides a challenge that can be overcome. Like a question we already know the answer, too. Or a puzzle we are confident to solve. Aesthetic value, is underestimated and diminished by over-elaboration.
There is a reason, why finearts is seen by outsiders as pretentious or even cringe. Denying this is ignorance. It's a very inclusive world, that has very exclusive rules and etiquette. Ironically the opposite of the admirable freedom art represents. Art should be made to be enjoyed and not for stimulating an "intellectual aristocracy". I like to be a menace to this.
I like to do things that are frawned upon by the artworld and enjoyed by commoners.
I am not a menace to society, i'm a menace to the artworld. Why ? Because by denying me they would proof that they are indeed an intellectual aristocracy that follows rules and etiquette, proofing they diminish the freedom that finearts represents.