Fragile Violence

Drawings on rage. (2022 - ongoing)

"Kräfte wirken", Mixed Media, 70 x 100 cm, 2022

"Maw Of The Void", Drawing, 70 x 100 cm, 2022

"Cray-Cray Crow", 21 x 30 cm, Drawing, 2023

(eng: "Powers In Effect")

"Gehirngewitter", Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023

"Fridolin & Knirsch, Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023

"2 Vögel", Drawing, 21 x 30 cm, 2022

"Line Collage", Digital Collage, 2023

"Line Collage Magic", Digital Collage, 2023

"Liebesspiel zwischen Ruhe und Zorn", Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023

"Oogy Boogy With The Schlugy", Digital Drawing, 2023

"Orca Dorca With The Schworta", Digital Drawing, 2023

"Papierflieger vs. Gewitter", Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023

"O.T.", Drawing, 21 x 30 cm, 2023

"Geheime Spezialmission des stillen Meisterninja der 10.000 Finsterflammen des alles verzehrenden Zorns am ewigen Abgrund im unüberwindbaren Chaosgebirge.", Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023

(eng: "Paperplane vs. Thunderstorm")

(eng: "Flirtation Of Tranquility And Rage")

(eng: unable to translate)

(eng: "secret special mission of the silent master ninja of the 10.000 flames of darkness of the all consuming rage at the eternal abyss in the insurmountable chaos mountains"

"Mindmap", Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023

"Harte Zeiten", Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023

(eng: "Tough Times"

"O.T.", Drawing, 21 x 30 cm, 2023

"Tired Of Trying", Drawing, 21 x 30 cm, 2023

"O.T., Drawing, 21 x 30 cm, 2023

"A 2-D Bird Can Fly With One Wing", Digital Drawing, 2023

"Rain Is My Favourite, But I'm Just A German Talking About The Weather", Digital Drawing, 2023

"Caterpillar", Digital Drawing, 2023

"Moloch", Drawing, 21 x 30 cm, 2023

"In Silence The Raging Echo Spaces Out To Tender Kindness", Digital Drawing, 2023

"O.T.", Digital Drawing, 2023

"O.T.", Digital Drawing, 2023

"Dance of Rage 2 ", Drawing, 62,5 x 77,5 cm, 2023